Fat Transfer to Face

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Ablation for Arrhythmias (2)
Activator Method (1)
Adrenalectomy (1)
Areola Reduction Surgery (1)
Art Therapy (1)
Breast Augmentation (2)
Breast Implant Removal (1)
Breast Implants (1)
Capsular Contracture Treatment (1)
Deep Plane Facelift (2)
Dermal Fillers (1)
Earlobe Repair (1)
Eyebrow Lift (1)
Eyelid Surgery (1)
Facelift (4)
Facial (3)
Fat Grafting (2)
Fat Transfer to Face (1)
Fat transposition lower eyelid (1)
Lip Lift (1)
Neck Lift (4)
Orbital Surgery (2)
Revision Rhinoplasty (1)
Tummy Tuck (1)

Ruzica Tadic

I am a healthy 65-year-old woman who had a Deep Plane Facelift and Neck Lift operation on 19th of September 2023. More than a year has passed since the operation and I visited several plastic surgeons and neurologists and I was diagnosed with permanent right palsy and I have huge scars due to the unprofessional work of Dr. Ghoraba. No plastic surgeon can fix me, I'm simply destroyed. I really don't know if the surgeons are afraid or not skilled enough to help me, because I visited several in Europe and not a single one was interested in doing revision surgery on me. Skin necrosis and facial nerve palsy were already present during my two-week stay in Cairo. Dr. Ghoraba and his medical team did not inform me any way (verbally or writing) that there was a problem with extensive hematoma that was very visible 48 to 72 hours after the surgery that was necessary to remove in order to avoid these severe complications. This necrosis caused severe tissue swelling, inflammation and large neck cyst that became an abscess and after I was in sepsis. I was on intravenous antibiotic therapy since I came home for weeks and without prompt action of my medical team who know what would happened to me after all. Dr. Ghoraba himself, his colleague Dr. Yassin or other members of their medical team, did not inform me that there was a risk to my health, nor did they inform me that I had necrosis and partial paralysis of the right side of my face. Every time I asked what was happening to my face, they said that it was a normal part of recovery and that I was only swollen and bruised. They always gave me regular hand cream to apply and moisturize my face. Dr. Ghoraba was more focused on making videos and taking pictures with me for his social media profiles than he was in the mood to answer my questions. During my stay in Cairo, the necrosis was clearly visible and the stages advanced, but none of the medical staff warned me or did anything to make my condition better. I do not have any condition or comorbidity that would cause this kind of complications and this is very easy to prove, as I regularly perform my annual check-up and the last was only a few weeks before my operation. I am not a smoker and I do not have diabetes, hypertension or any other chronic condition or medical therapy. I just want to share my personal experience and Dr. Ghoraba is already informed about my case, he admitted his mistake and offered me shameful compensation which is not covering my surgery and recovery expenses and he blocked me on social media, also he is deleting my review on Google review. Because of the big scars, I have to wear a wig because I have short hair and I can't hide the scars with my hair. In addition, I am very disappointed with the results of the operation, because after the swelling has subsided, the skin on my face hangs more than before, even the skin on the right paralyzed side of my face hangs and I am very dissatisfied. I'm going to need a full face and neck revision because despite all that I have big scars and I've had to buy wigs to hide my scars so I can go out of house.

Ruzica Tadic


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